The Best Things to do in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand


Koh Phi Phi is a lively place with plenty of fun things to do but how do we choose? It really depends on your interests and personality but in this article we will explain the best things to do in Koh Phi Phi broken down by type of activity.

Things to do in Koh Phi Phi

Active Things to do in koh phi phi

water-based things to do in koh phi phi

Koh Phi Phi is of course an island and as such surround by gorgeous turquoise waters. What better way to spend your time than to take advantage of the amazing water based activities this island offers.

Things to do in Koh Phi Phi: Water Activities

Kayak to Monkey Beach / Nui Beach

If you head to Loh Dalum Beach you will see various locals renting kayaks. For around 300 THB ($8) you can rent a 2 person kayak for 2 hours. From here you can head to Monkey Beach and/or Nui Beach. Note that it is a good idea to check the tide before planning your trip as Monkey Beach is best at lower tides. Also if you are heading to Monkey beach be careful not to take food, the monkeys here are not all that friendly so be careful. The waters around Nui Beach are fantastic for snorkelling as they are quite shallow.

For our full guide to Kayaking on Koh Phi Phi see our in-depth article here:

Scuba Diving

From stunning coral reefs to exotic sealife – The waters around Koh Phi Phi offer impressive visibilty and the dive spots are next level. It is easy to see why there are so many dive schools dotted around the main town. No matter your dive level or experience the diving here accomodates for all. In fact it was here that I completed my SSI Open Water certification with Phi Phi Sea Frog Diving Center and I cannot recommend them highly enough.

As with any dive you can never guarantee what you will see but from my experience in 3 dives I saw reef sharks, stingrays, an eagle ray, puffer fish, squid, leopard sharks and so much more. It was amazing to see the little Nemos swimming amongst the corals.
